Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Class Page

The teachers in Year 1 are Miss Brewer (Owls)  and Miss Brown and Mrs Perry (Badgers).

Our wonderful LSA’s are Miss Roberts, Ms Jolly, Mrs Svendsen and Mrs Ashdown.


Term 5 Curriculum Newsletter: Year 1 Newsletter- Term 5

Term 4 Curriculum Newsletter:

Term 3 Curriculum Newsletter:

Term 2 Curriculum Newsletter:


Term 1

Term 1- Now and Then

In Term 1 we have really enjoyed looking at the story of Beegu. She is an alien who crashes to Earth and is befriended by school children.

We loved re-telling the story by creating our own Beegu books and using our keywords mat.

In English we learnt about postcards and wrote some to Beegu to see if she would come to our school. We drew and wrote about our favourite parts of our school in the hope it might encourage her to visit.

We have also made some saltdough Beegu’s!

In History we have been learning about what it was like to be a child in the 1950’s. We were very excited to have our visitor, Mrs Mourant, in to talk to us about her experiences and share the toys she used to play with.

We have also looked at how people used to wash their clothes and have handled and drawn some artefacts.

For our DT, we developed our sewing skills by making a hand puppet alien friend for Beegu. We had to learn how to draw and cut around a template, temporarily join our two pieces of felt together and then sew them around the outside. Here are some of our finished puppets.

Term 2- Whatever the Weather

In Term 2 we had our Forest School sessions. We made animal homes and learnt about animals that hibernate during the Autumn and Winter months. We went on a bug hunt to see what we could find and tried to identify some of the ladybirds that were in our school. Did you know that ladybirds hibernate? Using clay and natural materials, we also made some hedgehogs.

We enjoyed our visit to Christ Church. We decorated glass jars which were then lit at a church service we attended. We also learnt about the Lord’s prayer and helped to create a cross-stitch alter cloth which is being used at the church.

Term 3- Stomp and Roar 

In Term 3 our topic was ‘Stomp, Roar’ and had a History focus in which we were learning about Mary Anning and her discovery of fossils. We enjoyed learning about dinosaurs so much, we decided to go to the Oxford University Natural History museum. Here we were also to make links to our Science topic which focused on animals. We learnt so much and had a great time.

In R.E. we learnt about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat. As part of this we had some homemade Challah bread and grape juice so that we could experience what this is like for Jewish children and why it is important to them.

Term 4- Out and About 

This term has a Geography focus. We have been learning about where we live and looking at photos and maps of human and physical features. We are looking forward to going ‘out and about’ and seeing this during our fieldwork.

In Art we have been looking at textures. We went around the school and took rubbings of different textured surfaces. We then used these rubbings with a bird template to create some art inspired by the artist Mark Herald.


Term 5

Our topic this term is It Starts With a Seed, and we are focusing on Science. Lizzie and Briony came in to school to help us launch our topic and plant the Year 1 beds and pots. We are excited to see what will grow!