Child & Family Support Worker – Abigail Smith

At Christ Church we are very lucky to be able to call on the services of our own Child and Family Support Worker, Abigail Smith. Abigail is employed directly by the school and is based at Christ Church. She works for us 3 days a week (generally Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) and can be contacted via the school’s phone number 01225 863 444, or via her email, which is

Abigail is able to offer support and advice on a range of subjects including managing behaviour, the general difficulties encountered in parenting and bringing up children, including those with more specific needs, signposting to support groups and attendance.

If you feel that you would like help with parenting, there are support groups available as well as parenting classes (Triple P) and you can find out more information about these from Abigail Smith.

The ‘Wiltshire Family Information Service’ which is run by the Local Authority can also provide you with information about a range of services provided to support families and children.  Click on the related link to find out more.