Year 3

Welcome to year 3    Christ Church CofE (VC) Primary School | Bradford-on-Avon


Welcome to the year 3 page. We are Poplar class and Oak class.

Please scroll through to see our curriculum, termly update and of course lots of our wonderful learning.

The year 3 team consists of Mrs Pegrum (Poplar class), Mrs Thomson, Mrs Humble (Oak Class),

Miss Isles, Mr Biarkin and Mrs Panton (our wonderful LSAs).

Have a look through the year 3 page. We will keep this updated with what we have been learning in maths and english along with other subjects. We will also share the weekly spellings.
Find out what we do throughout the year.

Read our Newsletters to find out about the terms:

Summer 2:

Summer 1:

Spring 2: 

Spring 1:

Autumn 2:

Autumn 1:


Learning times tables: Please read our letter explaining about the times tables that we will be doing in Year 3.

Year 3 Letter for parents


Term 6

Key dates this term:

  • Oak class assembly Friday 7th June in the Berryfield Hall

  • Non-uniform day wearing the colour blue £1 donation for World Ocean Day Friday 7th June

  • Poplar class swimming – every Wednesday, session during the afternoon during the school day

  • Oak class swimming – every Thursday, please meet at the Bradford Swimming Pool at 8.45am

  • Sports track races – Monday 17th June

  • Sports Day – Friday 21st June

  • Eco-art day – Friday 28th June

  • New classes sessions – Thursday 4th July (am) and Thursday 11th July (pm)

  • Last day of term – Wednesday 24th July

Week 5 1.7.24 – 5.7.24

We had great fun meeting our new teachers this week and look forward to another afternoon with them next week.

Maths this week we have been adding and subtracting fractions.


This week we have learnt all about Queen Boudica the famous Iceni warrior queen.

Spellings: Spelling week 6 5.7.24 – 12.7.24

Week 4 24.6.24 – 28.6.24

Maths this week:


We have been learning about the Celtic tribes that lived in Britain during the Roman times. We then created our own Celtic shield.

Spellings: Week 5 spellings

Week 3 17.6.24 – 21.6.24

Lots of sports this week. We had great fun with our track races on Monday. The children all did well, earning points for their teams. We have ended the week with our sports day event and deserved a rest over the weekend.


We have been looking at repeated adding to make a whole this week.

We have also been learning about Roman Numerals.


We are loving our history topic about the Romans. This week we learnt about what the Romans brought to Britain.

Spellings: Spelling week 4 21.6.24 – 28.6.24


Week 2 10.6.24 – 14.6.24


We have been looking at what non-unit fractions are worth.


We have started looking at Roman Myths this week We created our own God or Goddess in the style of a Top Trump and then used this to write a description about them.



We have learnt about the Roman invasions when Emperor Claudius invaded.

Spellings: Spelling 14.6.24 – 20.6.24

Week 1 3.6.24 – 7.6.24


This term we are looking at non-unit fractions and we are doing the 5 times tables as well.



We had great fun writing out stories about going into a forest and discovering another world behind the door in the tree.


Spellings: Spelling 7.6.24 – 14.6.24

Term 5

Key dates this term:

  • Stonehenge trip – Wednesday 17th April leaving school 8.30am returning 3.30pm

  • Oak class swimming – every Thursday beginning Thursday 18th April please meet at the Bradford Swimming Pool at 8.45am

  • Loose play Monday – Monday 22nd April children will have a session about loose play please make sure wellies are in school that day

  • Poplar class swimming – every Wednesday beginning Wednesday 24th April, session during the afternoon during the school day

  • May Fayre – Monday 6th May Bank Holiday Monday

  • Half term begins – Friday 24th May

  • Please note that Monday 3rd June is an Inset day, so children to return to school on Tuesday 4th June

Week 6 20.5.24 – 24.5.24


Lots of you have enjoyed creating your own databases. Here is the link to the website for you to create your own:


Poplar class created a class poem that they wanted to share:

What is pink poem by Poplar

We have also been writing other poems about seeds.


We have really enjoyed foot tasting seasonal vegetables and designing our own tarts. We have also made our own which were delicious.

Spellings: Spellings week 6 24.5.24 – 7.6.24

Week 5 12.5.24 – 17.5.24


We have continued with unit fractions looking at the whole and parts of the whole.


We have now written our persuasive letters.


We have created our own Hindu God or Goddess.

SpellingsSpelling week 5 17.5.24 – 24.5.24

Week 4 6.5.24 – 10.5.24

We started the week with the exciting news that Miss Ready has had her baby. A beautiful girl called Elodie. Both Miss Ready and Elodie are doing really well and we look forward to seeing them both soon.


We have continued with fractions looking at the whole and parts of the whole.


We have started to write a persuasive letters about looking after our environment in Bradford-on-Avon in particular hedgerows and trees. We look forward to sharing these with you soon.


We have had fun looking at how water is transported through plants and have set up an investigation with food dye. Will the flowers change colour?


We have had great fun doing monoprints of sunflowers.


Spellings: Spelling week 4 10.5.24 – 17.5.24

Week 3 29.4.24 – 3.5.24


This week we have started looking at unit fractions focusing on parts of the whole in real life contexts.


We are enjoying our new book The Happy Hedgerow.

We wrote our own persuasive paragraph to the farmer to get him to stop cutting down the hedgerow and tree in his field.


We have started out experiment with plants. What will happen to our pansies with out either warmth, sunlight, air, good soil or water?

plant experiment for requirements of growth

This weeks spellings: Spelling week 3 3.5.24 – 10.5.24

Week 2 22.4.24 – 26.4.24

We said good bye to Miss Ready this week as she goes off on her maternity leave. We can’t wait to see her with her baby later in the term. We welcome Mr Biarkin who will be working in Oak class for the rest of the Summer term.


This week we have continued with column subtraction focusing on double exchanging and exchanging when there are no tens.


We have begun looking at letters and how to persuade people. We look forward to looking at our new book next week.


We have begun our topic about plants. We learnt about the different parts of a flowering plant.



Our topic is linked to Hinduism and How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything? This week we looked at what made us, us.


We have looked at timelines and events that happened during the Bronze Age and Iron Age.

This weeks spellings: Spelling week 2 26.4.24 – 3.5.24

Week 1 15.4.24 – 19.4.24

Welcome back after the Easter break. We hope you had nice holiday. An exciting term ahead. Remember to read the term 5 newsletter (see above).


We have been learning about column subtraction especially exchanging from the tens to the ones and hundreds to the tens.

Our main activity this week was our trip to Stonehenge. We had a fantastic idea and the children loved it.

This weeks spellings:Spelling week 1 19.4.24 – 26.4.24



Term 4

Key dates this term:

  • Ask the Expert afternoon – Tuesday 20th February

  • Year 3 and 4 Music workshop – Monday 26th February

  • Parents evenings – Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th February

  • World Book Day – Friday 8th March

  • Poplar class assembly – Friday 15th March

We are very excited to confirm that we will be going to Stonehenge as our Year 3 trip see letter below:

Stonehenge 2024 letter to parents

Week 6 25.3.24 – 28.3.24

Easter celebrations

First Happy Easter to you all. The children have worked so hard this term and are looking forward to their holidays.

On the last day of term we had some fun all linked to Easter. We did an Easter Egg hunt where we had to find the eggs and answer questions. We made cards, decorated wooden egg and made the Easter Story spinners.


We began looking at subtraction this week How to lay it out as column addition and calculating without regrouping.


We looked at the final part of the story and how to describe what it was like to be inside the cave. We then thought about how the character would be feeling and how their body would react when the cave bear appeared.


Week 5    18.3.2024 – 22.3.2024


We have been looking at polygons this week focusing on parallel and perpendicular line.


We have written and published our Stone Age boy stories.  We are so proud of what we have written.


We found out about Stonehenge and the theories of how and why the stones were put there. We then created our own pictures of Stonehenge.

Forest school

For the last sessions of Forest school we got to create our own Stone Age camp based on what we had learnt as historians. We were also allowed marshmallows!


We have been looking at Holy Week seeing what happens in the lead up to Easter. We created our own triptych of the Holy Week looking at joy, sadness and hope.


As artists we have been learning how to weave.

This weeks spellings:Spelling T4 week 5 22.3.24 – 27.3.24

Week 4    11.3.2024 – 15.3.2024

Well done Poplar class on a wonderful class assembly about their learning this term. Everyone loved finding out about the Stone Age and where rocks and fossils come from.


This week we have been continued looking at adding  using the column method with  regrouping, including doing it with problem solving. We have now moved onto shape and look forward to continuing this next week.


We have been looking at how to vary our sentence openers and now can’t wait to write our story of Stone Age boy.

This weeks spellings:Spelling T4 week 4 15.3.24 – 22.3.24

Week 3    4.3.2024 – 8.3.2024


This week we have been enjoying learning more about column addition and looking at adding with  regrouping.


We are really enjoying the Stone Age Boy book. This week we have been writing descriptions of the camp and learning about imperative verbs. We then had to write instructions about how to light a fire or making Stone Age tools.

Forest school

We have been having great fun having our Forest School sessions.

World Book Day

We loved seeing each others outfits. The children also enjoyed local author Sophie Kirtley coming in. It linked so well to our history topic about the Stone Age. The book marks the children created as well were wonderful.


This weeks spellings: Spellings term 4 week 3

Week 2 26.2.2024 – 1.3.2024


This week we have been enjoying learning more about column addition and looking at adding with no regrouping.


We have begun our writing unit on Stone Age Boy. We really thought about what the conversation would be between the Stone Age Boy and the girl Om and showed off our knowledge of inverted commas.


We are enjoying our new unit on forces and magnets. This week we looked at friction and found out which surface produced the most friction.


We are already loving learning about the Stone Age era. This week we looked at clothing and how it changed through the different eras of Paleolithic, Neolithic and Mesolithic. We even created our own necklaces made out of salt dough.


We are exciting that this term we will be focusing on textiles. We will learn to applique and how to sew cross-stitch.

This weeks spellings: Spelling T4 week 2

Week 1 19.2.2024 – 23.2.2024


This week we have begun looking at our 2 timestables and also column addition.


This week as authors we have based our writing on the book The First Dog. We have looked at how to make our sentences exciting and written our own poems based on the book.


Ask the expert

We had great fun sharing our treasures and knowledge about fossils, rocks, gems and even volcanoes. The children did a great job.


This week we looked at the big story in Christianity and based our learning on a piece of art called The Big Frieze.


As we begin our exciting history topic about the Stone Age we thought it would be great to create our own cave art.

This weeks spellings: Spellings term 4 week 1 23.2.24

Term 3

Key dates this term:

Thursdays weekly – Bath Rugby Foundation

Monday 15th January – Mrs Thomson begins teaching in Monday to Wednesday in Oak Class

Wednesday 7th February – Devizes Museum visit on Fossils

Thursday 22nd February – Ask the Expert

Week 5 5.2.2024 – 9.2.2024

Letter about Ask the Expert: Ask the expert letter

Forest School after half term letter: Forest school letter year 3

Our visitor 7.2.2024 from the Devizes Museum.

We learnt lots during our time. Did you know that Wiltshire millions of years ago was underwater? We learnt that Wiltshire was a tropical sea. We looked at some fossilised coral from the local area, as well as a fossilised sea urchin and clam. We even got to see and touch real fossilised dinosaur bones, teeth and even poo!

We then got to do some activities from doing observational drawings, digging for fossils and rocks and even making our own fossil after making our own cast.

Spellings week 5: Spelling Term 3 week 5

Week 4 29.1.2024 – 2.2.2024


We  have continued our  unit on mental strategies. This week we have focused on subtracting by partitioning and finding the difference.


We have been researching and taking notes for our non-chronological report about fossils and rocks. We look forward to writing it up next week.


As we come to the end of our unit about rocks and fossils we have finished with an investigation about different soils. We can’t wait to see what happens.



We have been looking at different artists and spirals. This week we have created our own pictures with spirals.


Spellings: This weeks spellings:  Spelling term 3 week 4

Week 3 22.1.2024 – 26.1.2024


We  have started our  unit on mental strategies. This week we have focused on adding by partitioning, adjusting and redistributing.


We have had great fun writing our stories of ‘My Pebble in my pocket’.

We are now looking at non-chronological reports especially identifying the different features.


We had great fun looking at fossils this week. We used our sketching and observational skills to draw our own.

This weeks spellings: Spellings term 3 week 3

Week 2 15.1.2024 – 19.1.2024


We  have continued looking at angles this week:


We have started our new unit. We looked at the book:

We are beginning to write our story based on the book and can’t wait to share our stories with you.


We created our own class Grace linked with our topic about Christianity and What is Trinity?



We are really enjoying learning about different rocks. We did an investigation finding out about the different properties of the rocks.



We are learning about earthquakes especially about how Christchurch in New Zealand is prone to them.

We looked at which cities have had earthquakes in New Zealand in the last 150 years.

This weeks spellings: Week 2 spellings 19.1.24 – 26.1.24

Week 1 8.1.2024 – 12.1.2024  


We  have been looking at angles this week:


We have started our new unit. We looked at the book:

We then wrote our own version. Here are some of the sentences we came up with:

A lonely Lego, sitting alone.

Some tattered tissues coated in slime.

A stinky sandwich, waiting to be eaten.

Some hairy hairbands waiting to be used.



We have had great fun beginning our topic on rocks and sorting them.

This weeks spellings:Spelling week 1          

Term 2

Key dates this term:

Anti-bullying week: 13th – 17th November

Odd Sock day Monday 13th November

Non-Uniform day Friday 1st December

End of term Wednesday 20th December Christmas Lunch

Week 7 11.12.2023 – 15.12.2023


We  have been having fun measuring mass of different items and learning about capacity and volume. We even had to guess the mass and volume!


We have created storymaps of the wonderful Christmas film The Snowman and then used these to retell the story to each other.


We have had great fun over the last couple of weeks creating our castles. We remembered to add features like battlements, flags and turrets.


We have been creating winter landscape scenes using watercolours.



Week 6 4.12.2023 – 8.12.2023


We  have been looking at scales this week in volume and mass. We look forward to doing more of this next week.


We went out around our local area to look at the quality of the environment. We filled in our tables and then converted this into bar charts.




We have had great fun creating crafts linked with Diwaii from: laterns, Diya lamps, Rangoli art, friendship bracelets, Mehndi hands and Touran.


Here are this weeks spellings: Spelling challenge words 8.12.23 – 15.12.23

Week 5 27.11.2023 – 1.12.2023


This week we have been bridging 100 and solving problems.


We have been looking  newspaper reports, identifying features and then creating our own telling the true story of the three little pigs!

No pens day

On Wednesday 29th we joined in with the national no pens day. We didn’t use a pen or pencil all day including the teachers. We did lots of different activities.


We have started to create our castles and we are having great fun.

Here are this weeks spellings: Spellings week 6 4.12.23 – 8.12.23


Week 4 20.11.2023 – 24.11.2023


This week we have been using known facts of number bonds to help up add and subtract in tens and ones.



We have worked incredibly hard in writing our own fairy tale story which included a good and bad character and was set in or near a castle. We used the skills we have been learning over the past couple of weeks in our writing and look forward to our parents reading them.


We have designed our castles and look forward to making them next week.

Here are this weeks spellings: Spelling week 5 24.11.23 – 1.12.23

Week 3 13.11.2023 – 17.11.2023


This week we have been ordering and partitioning numbers to help us with equations.


We have been enjoying creating our own good and bad characters for our stories and look forward to writing our stories next week.

We have also learnt how to use speech mark or inverted commas in our writing.


We have been looking at Diwali and learning about what happens during it. We then created our own acrostic poems about Diwali.


We are now starting our DT project which is going to be about castles, which links nicely with our writing.

We looked at different features of a castle then drew our own.



We had great fun on Odd Socks day learning about anti-bullying. We even designed our own anti-bullying t-shirts.


Here are this weeks spellings: Spellings week 4 17.11.23 – 24.11.23

Week 2 6.11.2023 – 10.11.2023


This week we have been continuing learning place value with numbers up to 1000, focusing on where numbers go on a number line and also comparing numbers.


We have been focusing on the book:


We have written descriptions of both Hector and The Big Bad Knight.


We were very excited this week to have illustrator and author Robert Starling in year 3. He drew some amazing character for us linked with castles to help inspire us with our English.

We then got the chance to draw our own:


Here are this weeks spellings: Spellings week 2 10.11.23 – 17.11.23

Week 1 30.10.2023 – 3.11.2023


This week we have been learning place value with numbers up to 1000. We have learnt to use a variety of methods.


We really enjoyed finding powerful synonyms to use in our castle setting description this week and then have the chance to use them, along with prepositions, to create our amazing castle settings.


We were really lucky to have a visiting theatre production company this week. We laughed, cheered and sang to the wonderful performance of Cinderella.


At the end of term 1 we produced our pictures of turtles, linked with our geography unit about Florida. The pictures are now up on display for all to see in the classrooms.


Here are this weeks spellings: Spelling week 1 3.11.23 – 10.11.23

Term 1

Key dates this term:

Welcome meeting for parents Thursday 14th September 2023 4.30pm – 5.00pm in Oak classroom. Come along and find out about expectation, what we do in year 3 and of course, meet the teachers: Mrs Pegrum, Mrs Stegall and Mrs Humble.

Parents consultations Tuesday 10th October and Thursday 12th October

End of term Tuesday 17th October

Inset day Wednesday 18th October

Week 6 9.10.2023 – 13.10.2023


We have had fun this week measuring with ruler and metre sticks. We have measured in cm, mm and m.


We have had great fun creating our scripts for our videos trying to persuade people to visit the Everglades.



We have had a great visit to the Church. We had fun making glass lanterns, sewing and making paper flowers. We ended the week with our Harvest celebrations.


Here are this weeks spellings: Spelling week 6 13.10.23 – 3.11.23


Week 5 2.10.2023 – 6.10.2023


This week we have been adding and subtracting while bridging over 100 and we have started looking at measurement. We had great fun measure how tall we were and all the lines outside.


It has been great fun creating our Florida leaflets. We can wait for you to read them.


Here are this weeks spellings: Spellings week 6.10.23

Week 4 25.9.2023 – 29.9.2023


This week we looked at place value bridging 100. See below the different methods we did.


This week we have been researching about Florida ready to start creating our own leaflets. We focused lots on the different language especially persuasive.


We are looking at the Florida artist Jen Callagan. She loves to use watercolours and pastels in her work. We experimented with skills that Jen uses.


Here are this weeks spellings: spellings week 4 29.9.23

Week 3 18.9.2023 – 22.9.2023


This week we looked at finding facts to compose 100, we thought about finding the ones digit first before the tens.


This week we created our own Kennings about animals in the Everglades. Can you guess what animal they are?


We had a chance to go on bbc dance mats to improve our typing skills on a computer. The children are really keen to continue to try this at home. Here is the link for them to have a go:


Here are this weeks spellings:  Spelling week 3 22.9.2023

Week 2 11.9.2023 – 15.9.2023


This week we finished off learning the different methods for subtracting across 10. The children have done so well with this and hopefully enjoy using at least one of the methods. We have now begun looking at the different ways we can make 100 using multiples of ten.


We wrote out description of our journey into the Everglades. Here a few examples:



We have been looking at primary and secondary colours. This inspired us to create our own patterns of colour in the style of the artist Delaunay.


Here are this week’s spellings: Spelling week 2

Week 1 4.9.2023 – 8.9.2023


This week we have been learning how to add and subtract across 10. We have learnt to use a variety of methods.


This week and next we are looking at a book about Marjory Stoneman Douglas who was an inspiration lady who save the Everglades National Park. We have been sharing vocabulary using our senses, to help us write a description of a journey into the Everglades.

Marjory Saves the Everglades: The Story of Marjory Stoneman Douglas : Wallace, Sandra Neil, Gibbon, Rebecca: Books     


Here are this week’s spellings    year 3 spelling week 1 8.9.2023


The year 3 curriculum

The learning never stops in year 3. Every day is packed with new exciting learning.


Over the course of the year, as historians, we will travel back in time and visit the Stone Age, Iron Age, Bronze Age and end up in visiting the Romans.


As geographers, we will explore the American state of Florida, from the Magic Kingdom, to The Kennedy Space Centre, to Florida as a state itself and of course link it all with the Everglades National Park. Watch out for out leaflets about Florida! We will understand why earthquakes can be different in parts of the world and how damaging they can actually be. We will also explore our local town of Bradford-on-Avon and discover things we never knew about the town we live in.

Everglades National Park | Location, History, & Facts | Britannica


As scientists we get to learn about the skeletal bones in humans and animals, as well as grouping animals into different groups. How light is created and used, as well as finding out about the use of forces and magnets. We will investigate how rocks are formed and understood how our gardens grows and delved under the bed to see what lies beneath our feet.

Employers Are Luring Workers Back to the Office—With Plants | WIRED UK


We will be learning about Christianity and Hinduism as well as visiting out local church which has lot of exciting things happening in it.


We will be looking and using a range of skills in art this year: painting, sketching, printing, clay modelling, sculpture and drawing. We will also focus on a different artist every term.

Public Art | A First Look at the new Andy Goldsworthy Installation | CFile - Contemporary Ceramic Art + Design


We are very lucky to have the opportunity to learn an instrument at Christ Church School. In year 3 we learn how to play the recorder. It doesn’t stop there we do lots of singing and learn about a variety of different music genres.



Bonjour, ca va? The children are exposed to lots of wonderful vocabulary in French. They will be learning words to use in the classroom, names different fruits, plus the names of musical instruments. We wonder if they will use their french knowledge in their music lessons!



In year 3 children begin to learn more skills based to particular sports. They will get the opportunity to learn skills linked to football, gymnastics, tennis, cricket, tag rugby, dodge ball, fitness, dance and they even get to go swimming in the summer term for 6 weeks swimming.

Afbeeldingen over Sports – Blader in stockfoto's, vectoren en video's over 15,074,567 | Adobe Stock


Design technology

What could be more fun than designing and creating your own castle or sewing your own cushion, let alone getting to make your own vegetable tart. We really look forward to our DT lessons as it’s a great chance to learn new skills that we don’t always get to explore.



We are planning lots of exciting trip so watch this space. We are planning to explore the local area around us as well as travelling further a field.

Travel Bus Cliparts - Visuals to Enhance Your Travel-Related Projects

Useful websites:

Recommended reads for year 3

Looking for ideas for books to read, here are some recommendations for 2023:


Please come back regularly to enjoy some photos of our learning.